• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


.ngathf lgan'hagw heyl'R uhluhtC hfan'wlgm iulgn'hP

Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
Found 276 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 15,908,810
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Twilight is called on to be a political Emissary to the far northern kingdoms. Due to the attacks from Tirek and the others, the land borders have been altered. Several miles of land that was once considered to be a part of Equestria is now within the borders of their northern neighbors. It is ruled solely by a pony that is as unwavering as steel. Twilight is tasked with being an emissary to this kingdom and try to negotiate to have him withdraw his claim to the territory. Meeting him is going to change everything she knows about how an Overlord rules his ponies. She finds out just how politics works for him and how he treats his subjects. She reminds herself to keep an open mind and treat him as she would any other. She is not prepared for what she finds. A stallion that rules alone. One that is more complex than she realized. One that if offended could spell disaster for Equestria itself. Hunter Flame is about to make her realize that nothing is as simple as she thinks it is.

Story is loosely based off the Overlord Video Games By Triumph Studios

Cover art by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/228967/Little+Tigress

Featured on Front Page 3/9/2019! OMG! Thank you!
Featured on Front Page 3/18/2019
Featured: 6/4/2019
Featured: 5/16/2021
Featured: 9/4/2022

Chapters (49)

This story is a sequel to Welcome to the jungle

This year Page managed to get back to Canterlot for Hearth's Warming and this is the story about that.

This will be a three part mini-story posted from the 23-26th of December.

Happy Hearth's Warming everyone!:twilightsmile:

Image made by: Closetbrony2

Chapters (3)

Sugarcoat doesn't like non classical music. Desperate to find something she likes Lemon Zest plays the Dazzling's latest hit for her. Sugarcoat dislikes it immensely. When she meets them at the mall she discovers she dislikes them even more. Especially Adagio . Banter ensues.

Written for the May 2021 Pairing Contest. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214077/original-pairings/thread/468302/official-may-2021-pairing-contest

Chapters (1)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

Sunset's always been into bad boys, but how bad is too bad?

When they unironically call themselves a Dark Lord? Yeah. That might be too bad...

Written for the May 2021 Pairing Contest by the Original Pairings Group.

Won First Prize in the Sunset Shimmer X EG Villain Shipping Contest!

Sex tag is just for comments made in story. Thanks to Short Tale for editing!

Chapters (1)

Glenda is Stygian's biggest fan in Griffonstone. (Not that there was much competition.)

Set a year or two after Twilight's Coronation and many years before the finale episode. Contains no S9 spoilers.

Note: M-rated sequel, "Beaks and Talons," available here.

Glenda is from the wonderful comic "The Convocation of the Creatures."

Winner of "Most well-written story" in the May Pairings Contest 2021.

Every single sentence this author wrote made the story come to life in a BIG way! I didn't once feel like I was reading a story. I felt like I was experiencing it, like I was right there, in the characters' shoes, feeling what they were feeling, seeing what they were seeing. It also helped me to get a better understanding of each character and love them on a deeper level. For example, let's take one paragraph from the story:
This kind of vivid imagery is found throughout the entire story, and the characters' voices help bring out their personality in meaningful ways that help you bond with them, to learn to love them beyond what the comics or cartoon give you. This was a no-brainer as the most well-written story in the contest.

Big thanks to Aragón for help with story structure, Wolfjack for trout en papillote, and  Steel Quill, Krack-Fic Kai, Sledge115, and Nitro Indigo for prereading.

Cover art via commission with Harwick. I love it and it is far better than I ever envisioned or deserved. 

Chapters (1)

On a peaceful night, High Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a thief in her quarters, and while dealing with him, discovers that he is actually in her employ. She insists that he has no place in her Kingdom, and the thief, Night Silk, disagrees. Now, with his job on the line, Night strives to prove that he is exactly who she needs to work the underworld.

After all, he's not just a thief.

He is a Master Thief.

Cover art by ProvolonePone.

Chapters (32)

Luna was always alone on the moon, and it was obvious why. It was a banishment, but...

Sometimes she swore she heard a voice, a low and rough voice that could sound like crashing waves or gentle tides. She assumed she was hallucinating, because who would be connected enough to the moon to speak to her? Who would care enough to speak to her?

The Sea finds himself in a body he hadn't donned in over a thousand years. With only a vague guess as to why, he ventures out to right the wrongs his subjects had committed over the course of his incorporeality. Surely, he'll be able to accomplish it with no orphan-pegasi-related complications, right?


Edit: Featured on 3/24/21! Thank you all, I'm over the moon about that!

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie regularly goes out of her way to make her friends feel good. Every one of them thanks her in their own way, but she wasn't expecting Twilight's simple little gesture to leave her so utterly and thoroughly confused.

Written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Publish-A-Story Contest with the prompt 'It was only a kiss'.

Thank you to applezombi, AuroraDawn, Exodd and Holtinater for reading over this fic in the contest.

Thanks to StraightToThePointStudio for the audio reading!

Thanks to Rainbow Infinity for another audio reading.

Chapters (1)

Anon was rather surprised to wake up in a world of magical talking horses. He was even more surprised to discover that said horses already knew him from a TV show.

Inspired by some old prompts in the RGRE thread. Cover art by Nignogs.

Chapters (23)